
Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water? Ventilation Cleaner - Looking for Dust.

Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water?

November 13, 2023
You just discovered there is a puddle of water on the floor in front of your furnace. What does this mean? Why would your furnace be leaking water? It could be a few different things. In most cases, it is not a big repair, so keep calm. Continue Reading
Why Does My Furnace Smell Like Gas When I Turn it ON? Woman smelling gas.

Video – Why Does My Furnace Smell Like Gas When I Turn it ON?

October 30, 2023
You turn on your furnace, and you smell gas. What should you do? First assess what the smell most likely is, and you may not need to call anyone. Of course, if you’re still nervous because you just don’t know, turn off your furnace and give one of our highly trained technicians a call to come out to diagnose the smell for you. Continue Reading
Are There Alternatives to Air Conditioning? Rear View Of Loving Couple Walking Towards House.

Are There Alternatives to Air Conditioning?

October 16, 2023
Ever since the beginning of time, humans have worked to improve their surroundings, and a big part of creature comfort is temperature control. Today, most newer homes in the warmer areas of the United States enjoy the luxury of air conditioning. Although some homeowners may still get by with open windows, a wide variety of fans, and window air conditioning units, most newer homes in Virginia probably have a central air conditioning system. Continue Reading
4 Amazing Benefits of Ductless Units. Man turning on a ductless unit.

Video – 4 Amazing Benefits of Ductless Units

September 26, 2023
Ductless systems, also known as mini-splits, provide heating and cooling without traditional air ducts. They are much simpler to install than a central HVAC system and offer other advantages as well. Continue Reading
HVAC Technician performing maintenance on a furnace.

7 Furnace Maintenance Tips

September 13, 2023
However, the last thing you want to worry about when the weather takes a turn toward winter is a broken furnace. Our team at Arlington Heating & Air Conditioning wants to help you be prepared by providing the following furnace maintenance tips. Continue Reading
Image of ceiling fan. Video - Energy Saving Tip 2.

Video – Energy Saving Tip 2

August 28, 2023
Turn on your ceiling fan when you’re home while raising the temperature on your thermostat to save energy costs and keep your home feeling cool. Make sure that your fan is rotating counter clockwise to blow the air straight down and therefore feel cool. Continue Reading
How Environmental Issues Can Affect Your AC - Girl Cleaning the Floor.

How Environmental Issues Can Affect Your AC

August 16, 2023
When you’re looking at how your air conditioner works, it can depend on a wide variety of factors. Continue Reading
Image of a dog. Video - Summer AC Check Up.

Video – Summer AC Check Up

July 28, 2023
Schedule a clean-check today to make sure your air conditioner runs smoothly this summer. Continue Reading
Flushed man feeling hot in front of a fan.

Why Is My AC Blowing Hot Air?

July 14, 2023
Operating with a clean filter prevents circulation issues and promotes healthy indoor air quality (IAQ), which is especially important during allergy season. Continue Reading
Indoor Air Quality is Important to Your Family’s Health and Well Being - Weenies on the Grill.

Indoor Air Quality is Important to Your Family’s Health and Well Being

June 26, 2023
Having the right humidity levels, changing your filters regularly and installing air-cleaning or filtration systems like UV lights and air scrubbers. Continue Reading

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